Posts Tagged ‘Provision CameraMatics’

  • ProVision launches new ProVision Go app

    on Nov 26, 18 • in UK News • with Comments Off on ProVision launches new ProVision Go app

    This new app continues ProVision’s mission to empower and simplify the lives of both fleet managers and drivers by combining all key fleet risk management, safety and compliance needs into a single powerful platform. It has seen robust testing among a closed group of leading fleet operators to ensure the technology exactly fits the differing needs of operators of all sizes

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  • McCulla chooses ProVision’s CameraMatics

    on Sep 13, 18 • in UK News • with Comments Off on McCulla chooses ProVision’s CameraMatics

    Like the majority of hauliers and fleet companies, McCulla, a leading refrigerated transport specialist, was challenged with managing insurance costs, claims, rising fraud, driver training and fuel costs. The major issue that drove them to begin searching for a vehicle camera system (ultimately choosing ProVision’s CameraMatics system) was managing and defending claims in a more efficient way and wanting to better defend those claims. Following extensive trials of three different systems, they chose ProVision’s CameraMatics system because of its flexibility, quality and powerful platform that provides powerful features to manage fleet risk, driver safety and

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  • Suir Valley Ventures invests in ProVision Vehicle Cameras

    on Nov 21, 17 • in General News, UK News • with Comments Off on Suir Valley Ventures invests in ProVision Vehicle Cameras

    Suir Valley Ventures, the entrepreneur-led venture capital fund launched in February 2017, has, together with private investors, invested a combined total of €1,000,000 in ProVision Vehicle Cameras, a leading Internet of Things (‘IoT’) company focused on providing advanced fleet and driver management systems. This is Suir’s fourth investment and follows closely on the heels of investments in an educational VR business, Immersive VR Education, leading IoT cloud platform, Wia, and reality games developer, WarDucks

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  • ProVision releases technology to drastically reduce risk

    on May 18, 17 • in General News, UK News • with Comments Off on ProVision releases technology to drastically reduce risk

    There’s a major problem at the heart of every commercial fleet. That problem causes accidents, injuries and deaths numbering in the thousands every year. It’s not a technology problem or mechanical one and it’s a problem that exists despite the very best efforts of all involved. That problem is human frailty

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