Posts Tagged ‘IAM Roadsmart’

  • IAM RoadSmart warns about hidden epidemic

    on Apr 26, 23 • in UK News • with Comments Off on IAM RoadSmart warns about hidden epidemic

    A hidden epidemic of drug-driving is at large in Britain, with almost 1-in-3 motorists unwittingly driving with dangerous amounts of drugs in their system, according to the UK’s leading road safety charity, IAM RoadSmart. 

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  • Survey reveals drug-driving epidemic

    on Apr 12, 23 • in UK News • with Comments Off on Survey reveals drug-driving epidemic

    A survey commissioned by road safety charity IAM RoadSmart has revealed that 10 per cent of UK motorists have driven in the 24 hours after taking illegal drugs

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  • Tailgating highlighted as biggest distraction

    on Jun 14, 22 • in UK News • with Comments Off on Tailgating highlighted as biggest distraction

    Being followed too closely by other drivers is the behaviour that distracts motorists most on Britain’s roads, latest research reveals

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