Seras Poppy Truck designer Joe Sweeney
Seras, the UK’s largest biomass fuel supplier, has created a customised poppy livery for its Remembrance Day truck in support of the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal.
Poppies form the Arrow of the company’s logo which is emblazoned on the front cab and trailer of one of its brand-new Volvo HGV trucks. The design was created by Seras’ Fleet and Engineering Manager, Joe Sweeney.
Seras, formerly Esken Renewables, produces 1.7 tonnes of UK sourced biomass fuel a year – more than half of the UK’s annual overall biomass fuel production. The business receives and processes around 1.1 million tonnes of UK sourced waste wood a year that would otherwise have been sent to landfill.
Last month Esken Renewables rebranded to Seras to reflect the wider range of commercial waste management and waste to energy services that the business offers under the new ownership of Pioneer Point Partners.
Seras are proud to be an Armed Forces Covenant Gold Employer, which shows that the business goes above and beyond to provide exceptional support to the Armed Forces community. The new vehicle will be driven by Seras employee Driver trainer and ex-army serviceman Shaun Mandeville.
Sebastian Burkhardt, Head of Logistics at Seras, said: “With around 15% of our employees being ex-armed services people, and following our recent rebrand to Seras, we wanted to do something extra special for this year’s Poppy Appeal. Our Remembrance Day truck will now be seen up and down the country as it delivers biomass fuel to UK power plants.”