Posts Tagged ‘Road Haulage Association’

  • TfL Direct Vision proposal a fiasco says RHA

    on Mar 18, 17 • in General News • with Comments Off on TfL Direct Vision proposal a fiasco says RHA

    The Road Haulage Association is horrified to learn that the latest proposal from Transport for London could mean banning half of the existing HGVs from London – starting in 2020 – through the application of new, London only, Direct Vision Standard

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  • Road safety needs more effective DVSA systems says RHA

    on Mar 7, 17 • in General News, UK News • with Comments Off on Road safety needs more effective DVSA systems says RHA

    “The UK road haulage industry must set an example for road safety. Operators who are not adhering to essential safety standards should be sought out and removed from the industry.” That’s the demand from Richard Burnett, chief executive of the Road Haulage Association

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  • Cut fuel duty and keep the economy moving – says RHA

    on Mar 6, 17 • in General News, UK News • with Comments Off on Cut fuel duty and keep the economy moving – says RHA

    Only a cut in the current fuel duty rate of 57.95ppl will support the competitiveness of the UK economy. That’s the message from the Road Haulage Association – the only UK organisation dedicated to those responsible for the movement by road of 85% of the UK economy

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  • RHA delivers Driving Britain’s Future workshop

    on Feb 28, 17 • in General News, UK News • with Comments Off on RHA delivers Driving Britain’s Future workshop

    One of Europe’s largest road transport events, the Microlise Transport Conference, will take place on Wednesday May 17 at Coventry’s Richo Arena

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  • RHA rejects scapegoating of HGVs

    on Feb 20, 17 • in General News, UK News • with Comments Off on RHA rejects scapegoating of HGVs

    The UK’s road haulage industry has been made the scapegoat to cover the decades of under-investment in road maintenance by infrastructure providers, that’s the view of the Road Haulage Association

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  • RHA says sat-nav choice a matter of common sense

    on Jan 29, 17 • in General News, UK News • with Comments Off on RHA says sat-nav choice a matter of common sense

    The Road Haulage Association is suporting the view of the Local Government Association that satellite navigation systems, designed for cars, are not suitable for use in heavy goods vehicles.  However, the RHA does not agree with the proposal that legislation be brought in to make it compulsory for all lorry drivers who use sat-navs to use commercial devices and the Association will be inviting the LGA to meet to discuss this further. “Surely using the right sat-nav system for the right vehicle is a matter of common sense,” said RHA chief executive Richard Burnett

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  • Driver First Assist – training HGV drivers to make the difference

    on Jan 24, 17 • in General News, UK News • with Comments Off on Driver First Assist – training HGV drivers to make the difference

    The Road Haulage Association is pleased to support Driver First Assist (DFA) – a much-needed life-saving road safety initiative supported nationally by all three emergency services

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  • RHA sympathises with victims of Berlin truck attack

    on Dec 20, 16 • in General News, UK News • with Comments Off on RHA sympathises with victims of Berlin truck attack

    The Road Haulage Association is deeply sympathetic for the people of Berlin who were victim of yet another terrorist attack that once again saw a truck being used as a murder weapon

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