Posts Tagged ‘FTA Ireland’

  • Supply chain at the heart of a successful Brexit – says FTAI

    on Jun 10, 17 • in General News, UK News • with Comments Off on Supply chain at the heart of a successful Brexit – says FTAI

    A hard Brexit, with no consideration for the flow of goods into and out of the country, would be disastrous for Ireland, according to Freight Transport Association Ireland (FTAI), the country’s leading membership association representing companies within the supply chain

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  • Irish supply chain must be prioritised in Brexit negotiations – says FTAI

    on Apr 26, 17 • in General News, UK News • with Comments Off on Irish supply chain must be prioritised in Brexit negotiations – says FTAI

    FTA Ireland (FTAI) is calling on both sides in the Brexit negotiations to make sure that Ireland’s unique circumstances and links with the UK are prioritised in the early stages to avoid disruptions to supply chains and delays at the borders

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  • FTA Ireland Motor Insurance Survey – more regulation needed

    on Feb 28, 17 • in General News, UK News • with Comments Off on FTA Ireland Motor Insurance Survey – more regulation needed

    Increased motor insurance costs for commercial vehicle operators could curb efforts to  remain competitive, according to FTA Ireland. A survey of motor insurance prices by the  association found that 87 per cent of its members experienced rises in 2016, with half saying their  premiums had gone up by more than 40 per cent

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  • Insurance and Brexit will be key themes at FTA Ireland conference

    on Feb 6, 17 • in General News • with Comments Off on Insurance and Brexit will be key themes at FTA Ireland conference

    The Minister with responsibility for investigating insurance practices in Ireland will be the keynote speaker at FTA Ireland’s (FTAI) 6th annual Transport Manager Conference, which takes place at the Johnston House Hotel, Enfield on 30 March. Eoghan Murphy, Minister of State at the Departments of Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform, will have plenty to say on the subject of insurance, a theme which will feature throughout the event

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  • Protecting border arrangement is key – says FTA Ireland

    on Jan 24, 17 • in General News, UK News • with Comments Off on Protecting border arrangement is key – says FTA Ireland

    The importance of nurturing Ireland’s special border arrangement with the UK was top of the agenda at an all-island meeting on the impact of Brexit on Monday

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  • FTA Ireland appoints new General Manager

    on Jan 4, 17 • in General News, UK News • with Comments Off on FTA Ireland appoints new General Manager

    Freight Transport Association Ireland’s newly-appointed general manager says he looks forward to launching exciting new projects in 2017 and striving to make FTAI the most admired and influential membership trade association in Ireland

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