Posts Tagged ‘Driver First Assist’

  • Wincanton backs Driver First Assist initiative

    on Oct 24, 17 • in General News, UK News • with Comments Off on Wincanton backs Driver First Assist initiative

    Wincanton, the largest British logistics company, has today announced its backing for Driver First Assist, a not for profit organisation comprising drivers who have been trained to manage the scene at a road traffic collision as a first responder. This initiative will see Wincanton train its drivers to deliver lifesaving first aid at the scene of a road traffic collision, equipping them with the skills to respond effectively in the crucial moments immediately following a crash, before emergency services have arrived on the scene

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  • Driver First Assist – training HGV drivers to make the difference

    on Jan 24, 17 • in General News, UK News • with Comments Off on Driver First Assist – training HGV drivers to make the difference

    The Road Haulage Association is pleased to support Driver First Assist (DFA) – a much-needed life-saving road safety initiative supported nationally by all three emergency services

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